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The Manna Fields is an [[Ultracorps]] owned and operated facility located in what was the state of Nevada. It is comprised of structures designed to optimize [[Manna]] production by the Different [[Julia Chekov]], fields designed to maximize crop yields, and research facilities. The Manna fields were first started in 1984 in order to maximize the production of the substance [[Manna]].The facility was constructed on the outskirts of the city of Las Vegas. The desert location was chosen because of [[Julia Chekov]]’s reliance on light to produce [[Manna]]. Large mirrors were put in place in order maximize [[Julia Chekov|Julia]]’s production, as well as cooling systems powered by [[Cooler]] Differents to mitigate the heat the light generated. [[Julia Chekov|Julia]] also required massive quantities of water. A portion of the Colorado River was rerouted to provide the water. [[Strong-Man]] Differents carved a path for the water and created dams. [[The Plagues]] devastated crop yields nationwide. [[The Plagues]] created toxins in the soil which made it extremely difficult for plants to grow. In 1987, with the permission of the government, [[Ultracorps]] drained Lake Mead, using [[Strong-Man]] Differents to construct the drainage system. Draining the lake revealed incredibly fertile soil which had not been affected by [[The Plagues]]. [[Ultracorps]] began growing crops on the soil immediately. [[Ultracorps]] received permission to drain other nearby lakes and rivers. The newly revealed soil was then transferred to the Manna Fields, where it was used to fertilize crops. In 1993, [[Roberto Gomez]] was added to the Manna Fields. [[Roberto Gomez|Roberto]] had the ability to generate light. This was harnessed to expand both [[Manna]] and traditional crop production. The use of [[Roberto Gomez|Roberto]] allowed for 24 hours of light. While not all crops benefit from that much sunlight, the increased intensity of light [[Roberto Gomez|Roberto]] provided, as well as the ability to optimize the light exposure for each crop, greatly increased crop yields. The light [[Roberto Gomez|Roberto]] generated also greatly increased [[Julia Chekov]]’s [[Manna]] production. In 1996, [[Ultracorps]] began a program to extract nutrients from organic waste generated by the [[Metro Areas]]. These nutrients are used as fertilizer for traditional crops and to feed plants set up for hydroponic grow operations. This influx of nutrients has greatly increased crop yields in the Manna Fields. The program has continued to expand and [[Ultracorps]] now processes and ships nutrients from the [[Los Angeles MA]], [[Seattle MA]], and [[Houston MA]]. [[Ultracorps]] has proposed building a sister facility near Huntsville, Alabama. This location could grow crops fertilized with nutrients collected from the [[Chicago MA]], [[New York MA]], [[D.C. MA]], and [[Miami MA]]. This proposal is still under government review.
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