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=== By [[Cabot]] === 1: Here is the record of the 3rd book of our Lord, as spoken to His vessel Cabot: ‘I am your Lord. Take what I tell you now and spread it to all mankind. Make my truth known to any who will listen. 2: I speak to you plainly. This time there will be no confusion, no questioning of my will, and no quibbling over translation. I shall make my proclamations known explicitly and directly. These are the words of your Lord, spoken in your own tongue so that all may understand my third missive. 3: Your Lord is angry. It is a fury that burns with coals of rage, disappointment, and sadness. You have failed me, my children. I have made warnings that have gone unheeded, commandments that have been ignored, and directives that have been mocked. 4: I sent my only son to earth with a simple message: love. Instead of love, mankind has responded with two thousand years of horrors. War and violence are as omnipresent as they ever were. The poor suffer disease and famine while the rich wallow in their own decadence. 5: Mankind has chosen to embrace profits over piety, commercialization over compassion, and lewdness over love. I have given mankind enough chances. Though you are my children, and though it breaks my heart, I must turn my back on you. I renounce my stewardship over mankind: you are now my Forgotten Sons. 6: I have fashioned a new race to replace you, they are my Chosen Sons. You have seen them among you already. The gifts I have given them are obvious. I have given them a small piece of my divine power. I transfer my stewardship, my blessings, and my love to them. I will give the earth to my Chosen Sons with the help of my vessel, Cabot. 7: I command you, my vessel, to bring down ten Plagues to ravish the earth. To give the planet to my Chosen Sons, I must first rid it of my Forgotten Sons. 8: If mankind will not accept my love, they shall have my wrath instead. 9: I. Poison the oceans, rivers, and lakes; make the waters barren of life. Let the Forgotten's nets bring up nothing but stone and their traps yield nothing but mud. The sea will give forth my bounty no more. 10: II. Eradicate that unnatural fabrication known as plastic. Let it no longer pollute the oceans, streams, and land. 11: III. Lay waste to the soil of the earth. Cause the orchards to bloom no longer and the fields to reap nothing but dust. There shall be no more harvests. 12: IV. Destroy the copper that runs across the Forgotten's cities. Let their homes go dark; let them once again fear the night. 13: V. Bring down a terrible blight upon the livestock of the Forgotten. Let the Forgotten's sheep, cattle, pigs, and chickens grow ill and die. I rescind the Forgotten's dominion over the beasts of the earth. 14: VI. Afflict all Forgotten Sons with a host of terrible boils. Let all mankind be scarred by the mark of my disappointment until they wither and die. 15: VII. Corrode the earth's iron and steel. Let the Forgotten Sons' buildings crumble and their bridges collapse. Let these monuments to the Forgotten's hubris fall. 16: VII. Consume the Forgotten's fuels. Let their homes grow cold, their automobiles sit forever in place, and their ships stay forever moored. 17: IX. Bring forth a lasting darkness to cloud the earth. Noon shall look as twilight, and midnight as black as an abyss. Let all days be winter. The Forgotten will no longer feel the sun's warmth. 18: X. Finally, take the children of the Forgotten Sons. Bring forth a terrible sickness to which my Chosen Sons are immune. Let the Forgotten die in their cribs; only my Chosen Sons shall grow to be of age. 19: Reign down these Plagues, Cabot, and you shall make the world a harsh and unforgiving place. None shall be fit to live upon this earth, save my Chosen Sons. 20: Through your hand, I will remake this world and bestow it upon my new race. 21: I take no joy in the destruction I reap. I love my Forgotten Sons even as they disappoint me. The harsh world I will create may appear an unjust punishment. Rest assured it is done with purpose. It is my divine will. It is to prepare the earth for a new era. The death of my Forgotten Sons shall make them a part of something much greater than themselves. 22: From this death and destruction, my new race, my Chosen Sons, will rise. From the rubble, they will build a new world. It will be a world filled with wonders that can scarcely be imagined. It will be a world built to my glory. 23: The Forgotten Sons take my gifts for granted. They reap the rewards of my bounty but give their thanks to science. My Chosen Sons will never question if they live in my grace. The gifts I will give them are so great divinity will be the only possible explanation. They will cherish these alms; they will build great cities and fill the earth with their progeny. They will do all this while giving praise to me. 24: I created it all, the heavens the earth the skies. I created the molecules that form the compounds that make up the matter of the universe. I made the atoms that compose those molecules, and the particles even smaller than atoms that my Forgotten Sons do not yet understand. I made this so that my Forgotten Sons would be able to harness the power and awe of the universe and use it to spread and thrive. I gave my Forgotten Sons this gift because I loved them. My Forgotten Sons refused to acknowledge my gifts, they refused to acknowledge my love. 25: I have given my Chosen Sons more than I ever gave the Forgotten. I have given them more of myself. I have given them a taste of my power. From that power, the Chosen will know my love. 26: No one can look upon one of my Chosen Sons and fail to see the influence of the divine. Miracle is the only possible explanation for the feats they can accomplish. This is what I give to the Chosen Sons. My love for them is embodied in their gifts. When my Forgotten Sons look upon my Chosen Sons, they will know I have turned my back on the Forgotten. They will know how much more I cherish my new race. 27: All the gifts I once bestowed on my Forgotten Sons I now give to my new children. The sea, the sky, the land, and the beasts, even the Forgotten Sons themselves, all of them are now under the domain of my Chosen Sons. The world belongs to them. 28: This was your final failure, my Forgotten Sons. You could have embraced my Chosen Sons, you could have marveled at the miracles that surround you. Instead you sucked my new children into your petty squabbles. You make them weapons for your wars and tools for your industry. 29: That is why I reap the destruction I cause. My Forgotten Sons are strong, they will not let go the reigns easily. They must be forced out through death, destruction, and disease. Mankind’s grip must be loosened, before my Chosen Sons can knock them off the top of the ladder. 30: My Chosen Sons will be few in number. It is their duty to their Lord to go forth and multiply. My Chosen Daughters must bear as many children as they are able, and my Chosen Sons must spread their seed far and wide. Chosen Sons may bed as many Forgotten Daughters as they wish, but they can love and wed only their fellow Chosen. 31: My Chosen Sons might think I have given them a false gift. They may look at the destruction that surrounds them at question my plan. Some of them might even be killed in the destruction themselves. I can assure you, these hardships were necessary. 32: This destruction was necessary. For it is in the rubble that my new race can find each other, it is in the rumble that they can join together. It is in the rumble that they will be given a chance to create a world more spectacular and wonderful than any world my Forgotten Sons could have built. 33: My Chosen Sons must leave behind the lives they were born into. No matter their past creeds or allegiances, the Chosen now swear fealty to each other. Arm in arm is how the world will be rebuilt. 34: No matter where they are born or whom they are born to, all of my Chosen Sons are brothers. Their love for each other shall only be exceeded by their love of me. 35: Go to each other my Chosen Sons. Your task is to travel this harsh world I made in search of one and other. You are oases in the desert for one and other. Use the gifts I have given you to sustain one and other, to sustain my new race. 36: There is to be no bickering or political squabbles in the new world my Chosen Sons build. There shall be no more nations and no more tribes. The Chosen Sons will join together; their camaraderie will be built on their shared love and celebration of the Lord. That shall be the only creed in the new world. 37: My Chosen Sons must not fight amongst themselves. They must know that they all share in my love equally even if their blessings are unequal. They must not let jealousy or petty politics of the old world stand in the way of the creation of the new world. My Chosen Sons must join together to create a new heaven on earth and to fill the planet with their progeny. 38: I have given you the tools to spread farther and wider than my Forgotten Sons ever could. In time, you will be able to use your gifts to explore and spread throughout the heavens. 39: My Chosen Sons will know that science is just another revelation of my glory. By embracing that, my Chosen Sons will be able to explore my cosmos. You shall create wonders, my Chosen, but also will you get to see many wonders yet undiscovered in my universe. These are all part of my gifts to you, but not my greatest gift. 40: My greatest gift to you, my Chosen Sons, is that you are born with a guarantee of salvation. Your very existence is doing the work of the divine. Eternity in heaven is yours by birthright. 41: My Chosen Sons may thank me for this gift, by following my directives. When my Chosen Sons go forth, multiply, they give thanks to me. When they travel far and wide in order to join together in brotherhood, they give thanks to me. When they live in peace and harmony, they give thanks to me. 42: All of my Chosen Sons will be welcome in my kingdom for eternity, only those who have turned away from me, only those who have turned away from their own brothers, will be denied entry. 43: By turning on your brothers, by sinning against them, you go against your purpose. I have commanded you to go forth and build my new race, if you sin against each other, you have violated my command. 44: Thou shalt not steal from one and other, thou shalt not covet from one and other, though shalt not deceive one and other, and above all else, thou shalt not kill one and other. 45: I have given each of my Chosen Sons a piece of myself, which is how they are capable of the wonders they perform. Only your Lord and God has the right to take back this gift. I have created you in order to spread my new race, you will not subtract from it. 46: My Forgotten Sons may ask themselves where this leaves them. My first children have their strengths. Even in the harsh world I create, it is doubtless they will continue to live on for some time. I give my Chosen Sons salvation. To you, my Forgotten Sons, I give damnation. 47: Each and every one of you is damned to an eternity of torment. That is my final punishment for failing me. That is what you get for choosing to celebrate war, hedonism, and science. That is what you deserve for turning your back on my love. 48: Some may call it merciless to damn the ignorant and unborn, and perhaps it is too harsh. Your Lord is not without mercy. I shall give you a path out of the darkness, a way to step back into my light. 49: There is but one way for my Forgotten Sons to return to my grace. They must serve my new race, my Chosen Sons, in any way possible. They must tithe to the Chosen and submit to their every whim. They must be willing to sacrifice anything and everything for them. If my Forgotten Sons do this, they will be welcome in my kingdom for eternity. 50: By dedicating their lives to my new race, my Forgotten Sons will prove to me that they have seen the folly of the old ways. It will prove that they now appreciate and cherish the divine that surrounds them. 51: By celebrating my Chosen Sons, my Forgotten Sons are truly celebrating me, for each of my Chosen Sons contains a tiny sliver of your Lord and God. While living, my Forgotten Sons will never get to feel the same love that I have for my Chose Sons. If they dedicate their lives to my new race however, they will get feel my love in the hereafter. 52: My Chosen Sons do not have to wait until death to experience paradise. I have given them the tools to create Heaven while remaining in the land of the living. The Chosen must embrace these blessings. 53: My new race is blessed, but this does not mean life will be easy for my Chosen Sons. It will not. Much hardship awaits the Chosen in this new world. If they are righteous, if they persevere, the wonders they create will be worth paying any price. 54: Even when the path seems difficult, know that you are never alone, my Chosen Sons. Your Lord is always with you. If you can endure, if you can live up to the magnificent gifts I have bestowed upon you, you will create paradise here on earth. 55: My Chose Sons, I have given you an arc to survive the flood my vessel Cabot created. It is called brotherhood. Together, you will be able to find your way out of the darkness. Together you will survive the challenging times. 56: Together my Chosen Sons shall build this new utopia. Together my Chosen Sons will leave behind the sins of my first creation. Together they will forge a new world. A world free from war and strife, a world of brotherhood, a world of piety. 57: In order to lay the foundation of the new world, the area must first be cleared. That is just what my vessel Cabot did for you my Chosen Sons, he prepared the world for your ascension. 58: I give that to you my Chosen Sons; a blank slate. I give you a world that is waiting to be rebuilt in my glory. 59: I give you the land. I give you the seas. I give you the heavens themselves. I give you dominion over it all. You must simply claim your thrones as kings of the new earth.'
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