Lawrence Brown

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Name Lawrence Brown - Captain Freedom
Date of birth 6/14/1971
Threat level Beta
Energy Source Metabolic
Ability Description Physically Enhanced
Affiliation None
Location Deceased


Lawrence Brown was born in 1971 in the southside of Chicago. In 1983, as a result of the Plagues, Lawrence, his two sisters, and his mother were moved to refugee housing. Lawrence lived there until he Differentiated at the age of 14. Fearful and distrustful of the government, Lawrence decided to keep his Differentiation a secret. He survived by using his strength to do odd jobs around the community. He then used that money to buy food on the black market and escape government detection. His work in the community made him a local hero. Soon that heroic status grew, as Lawrence began calling himself Captain Freedom.

Lawrence would dress in a tank-top, camouflage pants, and combat boots and patrol the neighborhoods of Chicago. He would stop any crimes he witnessed, save people from fires, and help whenever he could. From 1991-1994, Lawrence, as Captain Freedom, patrolled the streets of Chicago and drastically decreased the crime rate. As his success grew, he turned his attention from petty criminals to more serious violators. He publicly declared war on the Bruno crime family in 1995. He raided casinos, brothels, and drug ' dens run by the family. Eventually, the Bruno family sent their own Different hit-men to kill Captain Freedom, in an event that came to be called The Chicago Incident. The fight led to untold property damage and over 500,000 deaths, including Captain Freedom and the Bruno hit-men. This incident is credited as spurring the passage of the Different Acts of 1996 which outlawed vigilantism by Differents.


Captain Freedom was a high level Strong-Man capable of lifting in excess of 75 tons. His body was super dense, making him all but impervious to physical injury. Captain Freedom was metabolic, needing to consume over 250,000 calories a day in order to operate at peak levels.